Here's the thing...

A majority of corporations receive between 200 to over 1000 applications per role!

And even if you make it past the ATS system, you only have 5 seconds to catch a recruiter's attention.

If you have an average resume, you have almost no chance of making the cut.

Yet most resumes I see are very average, if not POOR.

And hiring has completely changed over the past ten years. Gone are the days of using one generic resume for all jobs you're interested in.

You NEED an optimized, expertly written CUSTOM resume for EACH ROLE.

Anything less and your phone simply will not ring.

What We'll Cover Inside:

Resume Strategy

Learn how to write your resume with purpose in mind, instead of a disjointed, fragmented document. Understand exactly how recruiters and hiring managers look for talent and gain an insiders' edge!

Elements of a Resume

In this section, we break down the elements of a winning resume - explaining what each section of the resume should accomplish. Most importantly, what recruiters look at when they scan your resume.

Resume Best Practices

Learn all of the best practices you must include in your resume if you want to stand out and be seen. Also discover pitfalls to avoid. All of this directly from a recruiter!

ATS Systems

Learn how ATS systems work and how to optimize your resume to beat the ATS and make sure you get seen by a human.

Writing Your Resume

Follow along as I write a resume from scratch. I'll show you how to write a winning resume, which software to use, where to store it and how to properly format each section. A must see!

Resume Troubleshooting

Most people have a problem area or two that needs addressed. In this section, we'll address how to handle ageism, job gaps, job hopping and more!

Common Mistakes

We'll discuss the most common mistakes I see job seekers make, and help you craft a strategy to avoid them. These are the main reasons why you're not getting called for an interview, so pay close attention!

Cover Letters

As a bonus, I'll teach you how to write a cover letter that can help get you across the finish line! Follow along as I create mine from scratch. And I'll include a template for you to use!

All of this for less than the cost of a single private coaching session!

View The Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resume Strategy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resume Best Practices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Writing Your Resume
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Applicant Tracking Systems
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resume Troubleshooting
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Customizing Your Resume
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Common Mistakes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resume Critique
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

A Little About Me

Hi and welcome! I'm Bryan Creely and I'm glad you're considering improving yourself!

I created A Life After Layoff after noticing so many people struggling with their job search and not knowing why they were not getting the results they had hoped.

And I've been laid off myself, so I know the struggle!

And as a corporate recruiter, I've spent the past 20 years hiring thousands of people into some of the world's most well-respected companies.

I've screened 10,000's of resumes and am excited to share my vast knowledge with you and help you land your dream job.

Learning how to write a great resume is something you'll use throughout the rest of your life, and nobody seems to be showing you how to do it.

So, I'm excited for you to join me as we help you land the dream job you desire!

Make sure to head over to my Youtube page as well to catch the latest job-related tips!


Here are a few satisfied students sharing their experience with the course!

Frequently Asked Questions

I've already got a resume I like. Can't I just add to it?

Only if it's getting you good results, otherwise, if you have not rewritten your resume in the last 24 months, it's likely your resume is out of date and needs an overhaul.

People tend to start with something they like and add to it each time they seek a new job. What happens is you end up with a "Frankenstein" resume that's very poorly optimized.

Should I hire a professional resume writer?

In most cases, I'd say no. And this is coming from someone who offers that service as well! But the reason is two-fold.

First, most professional resume writers have never hired anyone and don't know what hiring managers & recruiters are looking for.

Secondly, you need to customize your resume for each role. Hiring a resume writer to do this every time you find a job you're interested in is simply cost-prohibitive.

You'll end up with a generic resume and reduce the effectiveness of your job search. What's losing out on a job opportunity worth to you?

I found a template for free. Why should I pay for your course?

A vast majority of templates are created by graphic designers who don't understand ATS optimization or how recruiters operate.

In fact, I've yet to come across a free template that I would recommend.

Also, most templates are not ATS compliant, and you'll likely get screened out of many opportunities just because of that.

However, I do include one I've created with this course!

I've got a specific issue I need to address with my resume. Can you help?

The training course covers the most common issues like job gaps, ageism, entry-level job search, career changes, etc. If you need more individualized help, I do offer private consulting.

I can use ChatGPT to write my resume. Why should I buy this?

ChatGPT does offer intriguing options for resume writing. In fact, I've been playing with it myself.

I have found that while it can help customize your resume, it still needs a good starting point. In other words, if you give it crap, you'll get prettier crap back.

It doesn't solve resume problems, like how to address issues that might be holding you back.

And it can't create information that you didn't already provide it.

Chat GPT is a solid option for customizing your resume once you've got a great starting point!

I'm unemployed and can't afford training!

It's understandable to be concerned about money during a time of career uncertainty. However, if this training speeds up your job search by even a week, it more than pays for itself. Not to mention the cost of lost opportunity.

What if this training doesn't work for me?

If you put the work in and follow all of my suggestions, it will position you with the best possible chance of YOU getting noticed by recruiters.

But in the end, you're only as good as what you've accomplished. If you have specific concerns, consider a private session where we can dive deep into your situation and create an action plan.

Customize my resume for EACH job?? I don't have time for that!

The unfortunate reality is that your current resume isn't going to be a fit for each job you apply to. Customizing your resume is does improve your ratio of applications to interview callbacks. In this course, I provide simple and effective techniques to quickly customize your resume (in as little as 5 mins!)

Who is this training meant for?

It doesn't matter what walk of life you come from, your career, or how far along you are in your career. These best practices apply to ALL job seekers.

What makes your course better than the other training I've seen?

While there are many options out there for career training and coaching, I believe my courses offer the most value.

Many are very expensive, and during a job search, spending $1000's or more on career guidance may not be feasible.

They are often taught by people who have little experience screening resumes, haven't recruited in a long time, or some cases, have never even hired anyone before.

And I've got 20 years of recent experience as a Corporate Recruiter hiring 1000's people into major Fortune 500 companies...this is what I do every day, and I'm made my career on it.

I wanted to create an affordable training program that still offers the BEST career advice...directly from an insider!

I'm still stuck. Do you offer resume reviews?

Each person's background is unique, and sometimes, having more detailed feedback can be beneficial. I do offer resume reviews and private coaching (for an additional investment) if you feel you need additional help.

Will this course help me get a job?

This course was created to work in tandem with The Ultimate Layoff Bootcamp to provide you with all the skills and tools necessary to land your dream job quickly.

Resume Rocketfuel is designed to help get you noticed for the first interview, and The Ultimate Layoff Bootcamp is designed to get you to the finish line.

So, in that sense, they both work together.

If you put in the work and take the advice, you'll be in the best position to land that career you want.

Is there a refund policy?

While I can’t guarantee you’ll get the job, I can guarantee that my course materials will provide you with every possible advantage you can have going into your job search IF you do your homework.   

Simply put - my techniques work if you put honest effort into them.

(just read the feedback in the testimonials...these are unsolicited, and people write me daily to share their great news!)

But if you have purchased the course and don't resonate with my teaching style or content and completed less than 20% of the course, I'll refund you up to 14 days after your purchase - no worries!  

It worked; I found a job!!

Awesome! Congrats on the new role!! My system works because it's exactly what recruiters are looking for! I should know; I'm one of them! (and it's worked for me personally, landing me opportunities with 60% pay increases)