People have never been less fulfilled with their careers.

Most approach their career from the wrong direction

When people come to me for coaching, they almost always want advice on resumes, interviews, or quitting their jobs.

But this is generally just a
band-aid for a bigger issue.   

Most people can’t tell me what they want in their next job, let alone what they want from their long-term career.  

If you truly care about your career, you must do something different than everyone else.

That's why I created The Ultimate Career Blueprint.

To teach you how to diagnose your own career issues and create a clear, proven path to success.

I'm Bryan, and I'm here to help.

I'm Bryan, your guide on this transformative journey we call "The Ultimate Career Blueprint."

For the past 20 years, I’ve worked as a recruiter, human resources professional, and hiring manager directly for some of the world’s most well-known and respected companies. 

I’ve interviewed and hired thousands of people and helped guide leaders on how to target and select talent at all organizational levels.  

And my work has been featured in Vox, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, The LA Times, Fast Company, Forbes, Business Insider and Marketwatch.    

And I’m here to spill the beans – everything I know about hiring is right here.  You’ve got information at your fingertips to help set you apart from the pack and achieve your loftiest career goals.

If you want to learn how to become the CEO of your career, you've come to the right place!

In this training, you’ll learn:

Why some people have successful careers and others don’t. 

You’ll learn the characteristics of “Super Star” candidates and what differentiates them from the average employee. You’ll learn what steps they took to become highly in-demand so you can repeat it yourself!  


How to identify and remove your own career roadblocks.


Identifying what blocks your path today is critical to unlocking your career potential. We will give you the tools to identify and clear roadblocks so you can begin moving forward again. 

How to choose the right career for you

No matter how determined you are to achieve greatness, you’ll be unlikely to reach your goals in the wrong career. In this course, I’ll provide a method for identifying the best career options for you - a MUST for those considering switching careers or starting off their career! 

How to determine your career “Northern Light”

Knowing your ultimate career goal will act as a guiding principle to guide you. We’ll help you discover what that goal is.   

A step-by-step methodology to actually achieve your ultimate career goal

Perhaps the most important lesson of this course. We deep dive into career mapping and the specific method to ensure you’ll always know the next best decision. (Honestly, my coaching sessions will probably be rendered obsolete with this chapter alone)

How to (finally!) break into a leadership career path

If you’ve been stuck at the individual contributor level, this chapter will guide you through how to break into leadership. This advice is valid for mid-career or even late in your career. 

How to develop a strong personal brand

Everyone has a brand…and it follows you everywhere. So, I can’t overemphasize the importance of building a solid personal brand. We’ll walk through how you can build a brand to remember! 

How to start a new job the right way

The first few months of a new role set the tone for the rest of your career. Therefore, it's critical to get started on the right foot. I share a strategy to ensure you can make a great first impression!  

What to do when things go wrong

Despite the best-laid plans, things will inevitably go wrong. But we can’t let this sidetrack our career progress. We’ll walk through how to deal with adversity, engage with HR most effectively, and when to quit your job.


And much more.


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Understanding Career Failures
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Career Mapping
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Salary Strategies
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Achieving Career Growth
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Building Your Personal Brand
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Navigating Office Politics (Without The Stink)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to start a new job the BEST way
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Diagnosing Career roadblocks
Available in days
days after you enroll
  When Things Go Wrong
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this training for?  

While focusing on professional-level careers, the concepts can apply to anyone – hourly, salaried, or other. 

It's also relevant for entry-level or college grads, mid-career and advanced career/leadership and executives who want to approach their careers with more purpose and strategy. 

The skills you’ll learn are universal and will follow you no matter what career you decide to pursue.  

Who is this training NOT for?

This training is for people who actually want to have a successful career.

You are NOT my target audience if you frequent places like Reddit's "antiwork" forums. The same goes for people who always complain the system is rigged or stacked against them. Sorry, not sorry.

What's the difference between this training and your other interview course?

This course sets the foundation for everything you do in your career. Without a clear roadmap, it's unlikely most people will just stumble into great careers.

We should always prioritize strategy first and tools second.

Think of it this way. You wouldn't take a road trip without knowing where you're heading. And no matter how fast your car is or how many road snacks you have, you'll probably get lost if you don't have a strategy to get there.

Your career is a massive road trip.

All of these courses are designed to work with one another.

  1. The Ultimate Career Blueprint. Set the strategy of your career.
  2. The Ultimate Job Seeker Bootcamp is a complete look at the hiring process, from job search to offer negotiation.
  3. Resume Rocketfuel teaches how to leverage career strategy into a resume that actually gets noticed.
  4. Unlocking LinkedIn teaches leveraging networking to reach the right audience and increase job opportunities.

They all work together. But this course is the glue that binds them all together.

I’m just graduating from school. Will this course help me?   

Absolutely!  The earlier you start, the better the results and the more likely you'll reach your career goals with the least difficulty.

Help! I'm in a toxic work situation and want to quit.   

This training will give you a litmus test for when to quit your job. Quitting is often the last resort, not the first.

What if I go through your training and still haven’t had any luck with my career?

Ultimately, you are in control of yourself and will need to hone your career skills so you can apply them when the time comes.  However, I feel strongly that if you follow the training closely, you’ll give yourself every advantage possible. 

And this advice isn't instantaneous. Rather, think of it as a complete mindset shift from a defensive job seeker to an aggressive career-oriented CEO who controls their situation completely.

But be honest with yourself.  Did you do everything you could to maximize your chances to impress?  I want you to succeed!

What kind of guarantee do you offer? 

While I can’t guarantee you’ll have the career of your dreams, I can guarantee that my course materials will provide you with every possible advantage you can have IF you do your homework.   

Simply put - my techniques work if you put honest effort into them.

(Just read the feedback in the testimonials. These are unsolicited, and people write to me daily to share their great news!)

But if you have purchased the course and don't resonate with my teaching style and view less than 20% of the course, I'll refund you up to 14 days after your purchase—no worries!  

Can’t I find this information for free?  

I'm unaware of anyone else offering this level and scope of training.

But I'll say this. If you were truly in control of your career, you probably wouldn't be here reading this right now.

Also, most information is fragmented, and you’ll spend countless hours tracking down disjointed information.  Time better spent focusing on your career!

I’m unemployed and can’t afford this!

I understand your situation. But what is the cost of missing an opportunity because you didn't know what you were doing or were unprepared?

My suggestion for those who are unemployed and have limited means of living is to:

Solve the issue of a steady paycheck first. Then, revisit this course to get on the right path. (you'll want to become layoff-proof, after all)

Once I purchase a course, how long do I have access? 

It’s completely self-paced, video-driven training. You’ll have permanent access that never expires as long as the course is still available.  And you’ll get any updates I make for free! 

I think my resume/and or LinkedIn needs work. Will this course help?

While we discuss them at a high level in this course, it's more of an overview of how resumes and LinkedIn play an integral role in your career.

If you're interested in writing a better resume, consider Resume Rocketfuel, a very in-depth look at how to write a stand-out resume.

I also created Unlocking LinkedIn to help you create powerful networks and, ultimately, get recruiters to find you instead!

These courses are designed to work together in unison. 

I want more than one course. Is there a discount?

I offer a bundle of the 4 main courses, which will save you considerably. Unfortunately, I do not offer other combinations for a discount.

Can I access the course anywhere?

Teachable has a free app to download to watch the content on your mobile device.

This course changed my career and life!

Congrats! If you have a success story with my training and want to share it with the world, I'd love to hear from you! 

Enroll Today!